Saturday 28 March 2015

Interesting Dental Health Link

Can Teeth be Remineralized Naturally?

Lately I have been particularly interested in dental health and remineralizing teeth. Can it be done? Some bloggers think that you can do it with dietary changes and things like oil pulling. The most common elements are swishing with coconut oil for 20 minutes every day, taking a fermented cod liver oil supplement for the Vitamin D, butter oil, a calcium source like raw dairy or bone broth, and avoiding foods high in phytic acid. The last is very important and turns a lot of what you have learned about nutrition on its head. Beans and grains are high in phytic acid and have to be soaked before consuming if at all. What the diet comes down to is basically the Paleo Diet and this explains in part why cavities seemed unusual for cavemen.

Check out the link below for some more detailed discussion on this fascinating topic

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