Thursday, 24 April 2014

Tariq Hossenbux opinion on NYC animal abuser registry

Important New Law Advances NYC Animal Rights

Excellent news here on this progressive law. Creating a registry to list offenders does a lot of good. While on the surface it doesn't increase fines or punishment in reality it does because it threatens the offenders with public shaming. Even sick minded ones  like people who abuse animals don't want to be shamed in front of everyone else. And it does treat them for what they are. The equivalent of perverts and psychopaths. This article is right in saying that how people treat animals will be an effective predictor of how they treat other people. If they do this to animals I would be asking how long it will be before they move on vulnerable people. I am of the thinking though that as disgusting as the pain the perpetrators inflict on animals is, this mentality must be the product of their upbringing. I am not a psychologist but I like to believe that such people could be rehabilitated. If that is true, NYC must also have a system to help those who are having urges to inflict pain on animals. Let them come in anonymously before they do harm and speak with a mental health practitioner in the employ of the city. And publicize it so that everyone in the city knows that there is some help available to them. Surely the people who abuse animals are acting out rage and frustration at what has happened to them in the past.The law makes it more difficult for such people to continue those violent hurtful actions by preventing them from buying animals from pet dealers. This will save some pets who otherwise may fall into the possesion of those who would harm them. These pets will have the opportunity to contribute to society.
Many animals are doing valuable work as virtual citizens and are totally lacking in protection from crimes. Dogs work with police, the military, customs, as therapy dogs, and many other roles. They do work for humans but at the end of the day only ask for our companionship in return for their loyalty. Even dogs that do not work provide their owners with priceless companionship. Shouldn't the punishment for harming such loyal companions reflect what they add to society?  While it dosn't increase fines/punishment for abusing animals, the New York Registry is the first step in recognizing them  as thinking beings who are virtual citizens. As such it is a giant step, and a statement of the civilization of New York City.

Pictured: Rufus is an example of a dog rescued from abusive conditions.

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